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Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

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Post by crranch »

Polly wrote:Carrie,

You win the "detective-of-the-year" award! No kidding. Thanks for all of the info you provide. I have always tried to get by with no pills/herbs/supplements of any kind (other than vitamin D) just for this very reason.

Old dogs.....sigh. Aren't they wonderful? Mine will be 13 next mo. and still has his super golden spirit. Doing well enough on Rimadyl and Cosequin (glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate) to be able to swim in the stream several times a week!

Pat - so happy to hear the encouraging news. :grin:


Why thanks...I'm very glad to be able to help find these things out and try to pay you all back for all the love and support you have given us....

Old dogs are not a good subject for us this week, we just lost our 12 year old greyhound suddenly Sunday. :cry: For the first time in over 20 years, there isn't a greyhound residing in our house...With losing our 16 year old whippet 8 months ago, that is just to much of a hole in my soul to bear....

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Post by tex »

Aw Carrie,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. This year was already sad enough, without that happening. I hope that with time, the rest of your four-legged family will help you to get past the pain.

Big hugs,

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Post by JLH »

Carrie, I'm so very sorry to hear that sad news.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and don't play one on TV.

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Post by Gloria »


My condolences to you on your loss. I'm so sorry that you are mourning two members of your family - one loss is hard enough; two must be unbearable.

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Post by MaggieRedwings »

Morning Carrie,

So sorry to hear that your Greyhound has left you but may you meet him on the Rainbow Bridge.

Love, Maggie
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Post by mbeezie »


So sorry to hear about the loss of your dog - losing a pet is so heartbreaking.

Mary Beth
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Post by crranch »

Thanks everyone...Chase will live on in our memories, so he will never be far from us...

We have never lost 2 old pets in this close of a time frame. Not something I care to ever repeat.

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Post by Polly »

Oh Carrie,

I am so sad for you. Losing a dog has always been one of life's biggest heartbreaks for me. Two in such a short time is devastating.....I can't begin to imagine. If you feel like it, I'd love to see photos of them - or let me know if they are already posted here somewhere.


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Post by tex »


I'm guessing that this is a picture of Chase, (on the left), relaxing with Keaton, in the second post of this thread:

http://www.perskyfarms.com/phpBB2/viewt ... s&start=15


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Polly »

Thanks, Tex,

I thought I remembered seeing them before.


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Post by starfire »

Carrie, I'm really, really sorry........

Love, Shirley
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Post by crranch »

Thanks so much for the kind thoughts....

I guess I should be thankful for one thing. My niece is a photographer and come out 6 days before we lost him to take come shots of the dogs and horses for me. Here is one of them, he is the big guy laying down in the front, then Bourre ( the black Catahoula ), and the whippets Keaton and Rioghan are beside me...I will cherish this photo now...
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Post by Gayle »


Nothing silences a home quite like the loss of one of our beloved 4 paws. :sad:

Maybe you will catch a fleeting glimpse of him running in the yard just like in days of old.
(Your Imagination playing tricks? Maybe … Maybe not).

They never really leave us --- they remain in our hearts forever.

Your beloved Greyhound is free to chase varmits again – only now in a place without barriers.



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Post by starfire »

Beautiful Picture........
Beautiful Dogs........
Beautiful You.........
Thank You for sharing the picture.

Love, Shirley
When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber"
-- Winston Churchill
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