2/3 c. water
1/3 c. milk (rice, almond, etc.)
3 tablespoons white buckwheat groats (I don't like the brown Kasha)
1/4 c. quinoa
1/3 c. cracked brown rice
dash salt
1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar (optional)
1-3 teaspoons butter or ghee
1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (adds a nice flavor!)
2 tablespoons dried fruit (optional)
Bring water and milk to boil in a small pan. Add the buckwheat or quinoa, salt, sugar, butter, spice and dried fruit. Boil gently for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve immediately with added milk.
Note: The cereal is creamier and cooks in 10 minutes (15-20 minutes for brown rice) if the grain is "cracked" before cooking. I use a hand grinder to crack it: http://beprepared.com/product.asp?pn=FP%20M100. A blender will work for buckwheat, but I couldn't crack the quinoa in the blender.
Hot Creamy Buckwheat, Quinoa, or Brown Rice Cereal
Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh
Hot Creamy Buckwheat, Quinoa, or Brown Rice Cereal
You never know what you can do until you have to do it.
I think they all taste similar to oatmeal. A grocer near me just started selling Cream of Buckwheat made by Pocono (http://www.thebirkettmills.com).
The recipe originally called for cinnamon, but one day I tried pumpkin pie spice and I thought it added a lot more flavor.
The recipe originally called for cinnamon, but one day I tried pumpkin pie spice and I thought it added a lot more flavor.
You never know what you can do until you have to do it.