EF Pancakes

This forum contains recipes and information on special cooking techniques that are beneficial to anyone trying to control the symptoms of gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, microscopic colitis, or any other inflammatory bowel disease. All of the recipes listed here are free of gluten, dairy products, and soy. Many are also free of eggs, yeast, and/or corn.

Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh

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EF Pancakes

Post by Gloria »

¼ cup quinoa flour
¼ cup cornstarch or potato starch
2 Tbsp. arrowroot or tapioca starch
2 Tbsp. almond flour or amaranth flour
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
1 T. oil
1/3 - ½ cup milk

Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add oil and milk to dry mixture. Pour onto heated, oiled griddle and cook until bubbly, then flip. Makes 4-6 pancakes.
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Post by Ginny »

Thanks Gloria for posting the recipes. I really think you should start your own blog here with all the shopping tips, buying in bulk, and all your experiments. I would be forever in your debt. I work all day and honestly by the time I get home, being creative is the last thing on my mine. AND like you, I have dropped more pounds after this last flare............hovering close to 100 lbs. I wish I could slow down my metabolism!

PS In my frustration to bake something with calories, I decided to use organic, free range eggs. I was happily surprised that I did not have a reaction. I will use them again sparingly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change those things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference
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