Lucy, the trigger hunt is on

Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

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Rockhopper Penguin
Rockhopper Penguin
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Lucy, the trigger hunt is on

Post by moremuscle »

Hi Lucy,

Boy it is difficult to figure out what goes wrong when something goes wrong isn't it? Mind boggling how many different things a person eats in one day. OK, I would be a little suspicious of the shrink wrapped avocaodos from Walmart. When you cut an avocado open the "flesh" starts to turn brown almost immediately - oxidation. In order to avoid that and make the avocado halves look appealing in the wrap there is likely a preservative on them of some kind. Did you throw the wrapper away? Did you read the label?

The shell that comes on the avocado is an excellent natural wrapper - next time buy the avocados whole (I am sure the coupons were what made you buy these in the first place LOL!!)

I always use balsamic vinegar in my salad dressings (Alessi white balsamic) and I don't have a problem with it; I have tested positive for brewers/bakers yeast intolerance just like you. I have however come across several balsamic vinegars on the shelves in the grocery store that have other ingredients on the list besides the vinegar - it can be caramel color which we all know is a hazardous ingredient. So beware of "other ingredients" in the balsamic vinegars.


P.S. I don't know what sour salt is.
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