I'm sorry to hear of the EBV relapse, and all the satellite issues. Are you taking a significant magnesium supplement? Are you aware that EBV and magnesium deficiency seem to be directly linked?
The Epstein-Barr Virus, Magnesium and ME/CFS Connection (?)Magnesium may be the most commonly used supplement in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Some people think a smoldering Epstein-Barr Virus infection may be common in ME/CFS. In something of a shocker, recent research into EBV and magnesium suggests that low magnesium and EBV infections may sometimes go hand in hand.
So many medications and other medically-associated issues deplete magnesium that there is a very good chance that your EBV may have relapsed because of a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is associated with a tremendous number of medical problems, and it is almost always totally overlooked by the guys in the white coats.
Did you see my recent post regarding the old research that demonstrated that a magnesium deficiency boosts serum histamine levels?
Magnesium Deficiency Increases Histamine In Circulation