Shingles Vaccine

Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh

Have you either had a shingles vaccination, or considered getting one?

Yes, I've had a shingles vaccination.
I've considered it, but I've never had a shingles vaccination.
I've never even considered getting a shingles vaccination.
Total votes: 45

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Post by MaggieRedwings »

Thanks for the sympathy Gabby.

The rash is clearing up and it never itched just burned so. However, the pain is really lingering and it is by far one of the worst cases of pain I have endured. Everything people say about the pain is true.

Had chicken pox 2 times so here is hoping the shingles do not follow the same route. Have meds in case I feel a flare up.

Love, Maggie
Maggie Scarpone
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Post by hazel »

I need to change my vote. I was in the "considered it" group but now I'm in the "have had it" group. Got a notice from my insurance that it's now covered and in I went. :smile:
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Post by Lesley »

I have had small patches of shingles about 2x a year for years. I get the hyperanesthesia along the nerve, and should know it;s coming, but always forget that's what it is until the sores appear. The patches are really small, so they haven't pushed me to get the vaccine, or do anything else about it. Maybe I should think about it.
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Post by mzh »

Getting a little late on this - I had the Shingles vaccine while on Entocort and I had no reaction that I can recall, beyond some soreness where the needle went in.

So sorry about the shingles. I know someone who had pain shots where the shingles were b/c the shingles pain was so excrutiating. It did remove the chances that the pain would be permanent. What an awful disease!
Also have sleep apnea
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Post by Lesley »

I have had small patches of it many times. Not for a long time now, (fingers crossed - can't find the symbol!) but always on my lower body on the insides of my knees, my butt, genitals, hips.

The patches are painful, but they really are small so not unbearable. I haven't had the shot.
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