Howdy Tex!!
Yes, the Salmonella outbreak is scary. Damn CDC, what is there motivation for NOT releasing where this is going on. Someone, somewhere knows the link, they have to! In order for that number of people to have been infected the bottle neck should be pretty small by now. Still, until they do their job, most likely more will get sick. Good old days you would stop eating meat/chicken ~ these days anything that's watered is in danger. So what do we eat now?
I hope like heck I will be one of those few who fully recover from MC by simply removing the source, which was Nexium. I still believe that was my trigger, and that I was caught early, and was cured with just the right amount of Entocort. Of course only time will tell, fingers still crossed and all that. When I went home for Christmas (Indiana) I was shocked to hear that my younger brother is going through the exact same thing. He can't make it to work in the morning without stopping at least once to go to the bathroom. It's been going on for about 6 months and everything he stated he was going through, everyone here could relate to. I wrote down all my info for him and he was going to go home and make an appt. with his GI. He says he has been taking a dozen or so Immodium per day, has lost about 15 lbs. and averages going to the bathroom approx. 20x per day. If he has it too, then I may have to re-think my condition as familial and more likely auto-immune. Don't know, but I'll be very curious to hear his results. I will keep everyone posted. He is a stubborn man, so getting him to follow-up may take some time, but if he suffers long enough at this rate, hopefully it won't take long.
One more thing I found a tad interesting while in Indiana, my Mom showed me my Great Grandfather's obit from
1964 ~ it actually said he died from diarrhea, I thought that was funny, but what a way to go, and then to tell the world.
<<<COUNTRY OF CHOICE ~ for me that will always be Jamaica, I think I must have lived there in a previous life, might have to go change that one ;)