Making Pudding Using Arrowroot (Instead of Cornstarch)

This forum contains recipes and information on special cooking techniques that are beneficial to anyone trying to control the symptoms of gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, microscopic colitis, or any other inflammatory bowel disease. All of the recipes listed here are free of gluten, dairy products, and soy. Many are also free of eggs, yeast, and/or corn.

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King Penguin
King Penguin
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Making Pudding Using Arrowroot (Instead of Cornstarch)

Post by Gloria »

Arrowroot-Based Pudding
This is for those who do not tolerate corn. It is a solid pudding and more translucent.

3 Tablespoons arrowroot
2 cups creamy GF milk
1/4 cup sugar (maple, white or brown)
pinch salt
1 teaspoon extract (almond, vanilla, or maple)

Dissolve arrowroot in 2 tablespoons of the milk and set aside.

Combine remaining milk, sugar and salt in saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.

Turn off heat, add arrowroot mixture and stir while mixture begins to thicken (this happens immediately). Stir until lumps, if any, are gone.

Stir in extract. Pour into 4 4 oz. dishes and refrigerate until cold. Pudding will be rubbery when poured, but sets up when cold, with a texture similar to Jello.
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