Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And IBDs

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And IBDs

Post by tex »

Apparently post-traumatic stress disorder is connected with Crohn's disease, so it's very likely also associated with the other IBDs, including MC.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Linda in BC »

Hmmm..which came first.. the chicken or the egg? I know the article suggests that the people got the PTSD from the disease, and I don't know much about causal factors in Crohns, but in the case of MC, I know many people had a precipitating, very stressful event in their lives. I know my divorce was so traumatic to me that I could have gotten PTSD from it.

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Post by MBombardier »

I wondered... I had an extremely stressful time in 2007 that went on for some months and from which I am still suffering repercussions. I was never diagnosed officially, but from what I've read about the symptoms, I had PTSD during and from the episode. I have half-expected to come down with cancer from the severe distress, so the thought that PTSD could have triggered my MC seems quite plausible.
Marliss Bombardier

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Post by natythingycolbery »

I'm doomed then, I have been diagnosed with PTSD several times (I didn't know you could be diagnosed several times) so no wonder I have all the health problems i have!
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Post by Mags »

I was diagnosed with severe PTSD well before I developed MC. If I am having a problem with PTSD, it can certainly trigger a flare.
I don't know if it was a causative agent, though. I had c. diff. and had a long history of taking nsaids to manage pain before I developed MC.

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Post by harma »

Interesting, but also puzzling, they say PTSD can cause Crohn in some cases (okay simplified explanation) or is Crohn (and many ohter diseases) just part of the PTSD, just another symptom of PTSD. But it wouldn't be surprising, PTSD can causes (read trigger) many other diseases. It does a lot with all kind of hormone systems in the body. Maybe that can be a trigger for many genes that cause all kind of diseases to become active. Also interesting could be, if PTSD is resolved, are the genes turned off again and crohn and other disease disappear?

By the way, anybody here with PTDD, ever tried EMDR, seems to be very effective.
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Post by hoosier1 »


When I recount my life of 44 years, and think back to the years 1997-2003 specifically, I was hammered with a variety of "scare me to death" stressful issues.

Even to this day, I fully believe that our bodies can only handle so much stress. Something just has to give, and for us, perhaps it is our GI.

Personally, I am trying to modulate my stress better but it seems that life just keeps trying to make things more complicated at every turn. Something we all have to deal with.

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Post by Gabes-Apg »

similar to rich's thought process

i think we are all born with a weak link somewhere in our bodies, it is just if the formula of situations occur that mean that illness (cancer, autoimmune etc) kicks in at that weak link.

the formula to initiate illness can include, toxicity (chemicals), PTSD, diet from birth to that point, living conditions that may put stress on the body (ie climate), the type of job you have, (physical or mental strain), the emotional environment from birth to that point, some medical treatments that have impact (HRT, Doxycycline, even the flu needle) and of course other medical issues since birth and their impact on wellness.

In Naty's case you are not doomed lovely, dont think that, via this site you have gained the info that you can take better control and work on wellness. with the right nurtuturing your body can rebuild and heal, the healing process gets harder as you get older.

the situation that the general population at an early age accept symptoms and issues (ie the IBS diagnosis) and majority dont treat the root cause hampers wellness later on.

thats my 20 cents worth...
Gabes Ryan

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Post by hoosier1 »

Hi Naty,

I also don't think you are doomed. Just having known you for the last several months, you are not the "doomed" type :) You are a lovely person who simply wants to enjoy life. You are just frustrated and weary. We can all relate to that.

And now the engineer in me says just because someone labelled you with PTSD, I feel, it doesn't necessarily doom you to a life of despair. It seems that once we are labelled, we can tend to react differently. I know in my own case, I felt an increased level of despair with my IBD diagnoses (and some level of relief). And I feel I am merely sliding along a continuum of health issues with my GI. IOW, I probably had LC all along, and now, after all these years, they labelled me.

When I was merely IBS, I was simply uncomfortable. Now that I have LC, I am fearful of further damage to my colon, etc. But I am still the same person, before and after diagnosis. I, like you, am now better equipped to deal with my issues thanks to all of you.

Hugs to you, dear.

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