... 96.fe/full This is dated August, 2005.
This is a letter to the editor entitled "Lymphoproliferative Disorders in Collagenous Colitis." This in particular caught my eye:
Collagenous colitis, however, is a relatively ‘‘new’’ clinical and pathologic entity that has been intimately linked to celiac disease, a disorder complicated by an increased lifetime risk of lymphoma.
Granted, this risk is low, but apparently noteworthy.
The two references for this sentence are: entitled "Collagenous colitis as the presenting feature of biopsy-defined celiac disease. The conclusion is:
This study indicates that collagenous colitis may be the presenting clinical and pathologic feature of celiac disease. Diagnosis of collagenous colitis should lead the clinician to consider exclusion of underlying occult celiac disease.
I was surprised and dismayed to read also:
andAutoimmune thyroid disease or neoplastic diseases, like lymphoma known to be associated with celiac disease were also noted in this cohort with collagenous colitis, often in the absence of celiac disease. entitled "Lymphoproliferative and intestinal malignancies in 214 patients with biopsy-defined celiac disease." This one also said that:
I have been assuming, since I have hot nodes that come and go, that I have Hashimoto's without having the test to confirm. I guess I should request that. It would be good to know if I truly have autoimmune thyroid disease or not.In addition, other immune-mediated disorders, dermatitis herpetiformis, and autoimmune thyroid disease were common, suggesting a distinct clinical and pathologic phenotype in celiac disease that may predispose to malignant complications.