
Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

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Do you have nosebleeds?

Yes, but not when other MC symptoms are active.
Yes, ESPECIALLY when MC symptoms are active.
NO (or so rarely it doesn't seem relevant)
Total votes: 19

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Post by sarkin »

Anyone else have nosebleeds - and if so, are they more likely to happen when your MC symptoms are acting up?
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Post by natythingycolbery »

The only time i ever seem to get nose bleeds is when I am full of cold and blow my nose too hard!!!
'The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.' Horace Bushnell

Diagnosed with MC (LC) Aug 2010
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Post by sarkin »

Probably just a fluke for me ;) But I ate something iffy today, and BAM: nosebleed.

I'm delighted it's not a shared annoyance with others...

(And meant to add - I've had this not just today, but A LOT. It went away for years, and was back in force, during the weeks leading up to this recurrence, so it "feels" connected, even if it's a coincidence.)
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Post by tex »


As you know, I'm not a doctor, but that suggests to me that you are probably having mast cell involvement with your MC, (since mast cell activation can cause nosebleed. I couldn't quickly find a technical article that covers the mechanism of this phenomenon, but here are some general comments on it:
Just another symptom of allergies, beyond the sneezing, eye itching, coughing and runny nose…nosebleeds. They are not really as common as the other symptoms, but definitely can be caused by allergies. ... bleeds.php
My latest symptom is daily nosebleeds. My nose was cauterized last night by my ENT for the second time. All he can tell me is that there were some dilated blood vessels in my nose.
Has anyone had nosebleeds? My immunologist thinks there is a good chance I could havre a mast cell disorder eventhough tryptase and histamine have been normal. I do notice less flushing when I stay on a low amine diet. ... osebleeds/

These are sort of uncharted waters, of course.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by sarkin »

Tex - thanks. I've wondered how to take this idea into consideration. I do have a long allergic history. And I wonder about my mother's history of struggling to figure out whether it was shellfish, nuts, eggs, dairy, plums... I think she was onto something, but the methods for allergy testing in the 60s didn't get to the bottom of it.

I'll do a little reading and pondering. For now, I'm taking it as an affirmation of taking a super-strict approach with limited diet and very careful additions. I'm staying away from more food categories than I might have to, and hoping that will turn down the volume on the reactivity. I know it's more complex than I'm making it sound. And I'll add this to my list of topics for my doctor appointment. By then I should know more about my sensitivities empirically, and maybe that will help point the way.

If it turns out that I missed out on foods that are perfectly safe for me after all, then I will eat them when I get that figured out, without regret about missing out on them in the meantime. Seems better than the other way around!

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