rich and poor, city and country side close together in Amman

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Rockhopper Penguin
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rich and poor, city and country side close together in Amman

Post by harma »

Below I have put three photo's what is an amazing combination and any tourist of foreigner will make a picture of it, a sheep herd in the middle of town. In this particular place, this is not just - a part of town. No this pictures are taken in Abdoun, Abdoun is the most posh (one of the) most expensive area's in Amman, here is were all the embassies are housed, diplomats and other foreigners and locals with money live. The average car is a SUV or four wheel drive. On top of that these pictures are taking in the out going area of Abdoun, close to the mall, restaurants, cafe's, bars, shops etc.

It's amazing how very rich and very poor live very close together here. The sheep herd is belongs to the bedouin people. They live around in the area in their typical tents. Also amazing how countryside and city are so close woven with each other. The reason they still herd sheep here is because Abdoun is a new one of newest area's in Amman what is getting developed. In Amman they have never heard of zone planning or spatial planning, if you own land and you have money you start building. The result is, in between the new houses, apartment building, embassies, shops, restaurants etc a lot of empty land is available What of course is used by the bedouin the let their sheep graze.

This pictures were taken only 10 minutes walk from the American Embassy.

And if the herd has to go from one side of a highway to the other, they just use entrances and exits of the motor way (in the opposite direction), as if the is the common thing on earth.





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Post by Gloria »

Fascinating photos, Harma. Thank you for sharing them.

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