Magnesium Chloride vs Magnesium Sulfate

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Magnesium Chloride vs Magnesium Sulfate

Post by Pat »

I tried to use the topical Mag Chloride ( Life Flo Mag Oil) but it just burned/itched too much. I tried it as deodorant but it burned and caused a rash, pimple like rash under my arms. I had to stop. I guess I am allergic to it. It has mostly healed. I read on the Magnesium Advocacy Group on FB that one can also make their own mag spray by using Epsom Salt ( Mag Sulfate) 1:1.5 Mag to distilled water. They said to add the mag to boiling water. I did that and tried it under my arms and to my delight no burn or itch. AND no odor. It's just the first day so I will see how it goes tomorrow. If this works it will be cheapest way to use the topical mag. I think a 4lb bag of Epsom Salt is around $4+. Hope it continues to work!!!!

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Post by Gabes-Apg »

I have done a 50/50 mix of the oil with demineralised water for my mum, (her skin is alot thinner than mine) as the full dose spray stung.
the 50/50 mix has worked well for her.

Awesome that the epsom salt mix worked!
I hope as the magnesium goes into the cells, inflammation reduces and energy increases like it has for me!
Gabes Ryan

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Post by dfpowell »


I had the same reaction with Life flo Mag oil. Thanks for posting your new formula, how do you calculate the amount of Magnesium you are getting with the spray?


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Post by nerdhume »

I have used an Epsom salt and water mix 1:1 in a spray bottle.
Also I have used glycerin and Epsom salt mix 2:1.
Heating either will help it dissolve quicker, and as Pat mentioned this is way cheaper.
DH & I both use it on arthritic joints, cramps, etc.

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Post by Pat »


I don't really know how much I am getting. I just know that so far it helps with cramping and twitching. It hasn't helped with BMs.

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