I'll be amazed if the test picks something up. You mail in 6 test tubes that have collected a small portion of your exhaled breath every 20 minutes for 2 hours. I am expecting to be hydrogen dominant, which causes D. Methane dominance causes C. I expect to have SIBO because I always get remission from MC while on antibiotics. I also continue to have D once or twice a day, despite my restrictive paleo diet.
If I have it, I suppose they may offer me Refaximin. I am also going to re-start Nystatin for yeast overgrowth, which I already know about. In the long run, I hope to be able to manage with probiotics alone (water kefir and/or sauerkraut)
Here's an article about a celebrity having SIBO. This caught my attention, as it probably applies to my rapid-transit gut:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... z36JyqFr4dHowever, Dr Penman points out: ‘A more recent study found that some people with IBS give false positive results for the SIBO breath test. The reason is that what they really have wrong with them is the time it takes for stuff to go from the stomach to the bowel is too fast. So when we give them lactulose for the breath test, it reaches the bowel too quickly, which causes them to excrete hydrogen in their breath, so we get a positive result. My estimate would be that in fact no more than 10 per cent of IBS sufferers actually have SIBO.’