Low Dose Naltrexone?

Information about on-going research projects relevant to Collagenous Colitis, Lymphocytic Colitis, Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be found here. This file is updated as new information becomes available.

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Little Blue Penguin
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Low Dose Naltrexone?

Post by grhandlan@comcast.net »

Has anyone tried Low Dose Naltrexone for multi system autoimmune disorders? Does anyone have any experience with Low Dose Naltrexone? thanks Gena
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Post by tex »

Hi Gena,

Welcome to our Internet family. Yes, quite a few members here have tried or are trying LDN. In general it appears to work surprisingly well for many AI diseases. However, it appears that it typically doesn't seem to help much with MC alone. That said, it appears that in certain cases, failure to achieve remission from MC may be due to issues caused by other (unresolved) AI diseases. In some of those cases, using LDN to treat the other AI diseases (that are responsible for the problem) can bring remission from MC symptoms as well, provided that the necessary diet changes have been made to avoid all foods that cause one's immune system to produce antibodies.

You'll probably get more responses if you post on the Main Message Board forum (at the link below):

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Again, welcome aboard, and please feel free to ask anything.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Little Blue Penguin
Little Blue Penguin
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Thanks Tex

Post by grhandlan@comcast.net »

Thanks Tex will do--
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