and came across this paragraph which I thought was super relevant to the group and our magnesium experiences;
This coupled with a recent email discussion with Holly and her transition to Re-Mag got me thinking, I am wondering if the symptoms that some have experienced when they start the Re-mag is maybe not necessarily they are having too much magnesium, but maybe that the body is getting rid of the biounavailable magnesium and the cells are making the most of the better quality bio-available magnesium thanks to the Re-Mag.Biounavailable Magnesium on the Hair Analysis.
When magnesium is above XX, it is at least partially biounavailable. This is a problem for millions of people. Symptoms of this imbalance may include fibromyalgia and other types of pain, irritability, insomnia, muscle weakness, depression, muscle cramps, especially after exercising and possibly others.
Keep in mind that poop changes (ie softer more frequency) can be the body clearing toxins (which is needs good magnesium to be able to do that) and that healing and regenerating lots of healthy cells to replace slightly dodgy ones takes time.
Please note - I am no doctor, or scientist, this is just a pondering based on the inputs of members here..