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Just joined the site

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:48 pm
by rw319
Hi Everyone,
Just joined the site today. I am 65 years old and just retired.
I was diagnosed in 2001 with UC but results of a colonoscopy in 2011 revealed MC.
I have not had a flare up since 2016. But, I have had chronic constipation for more than a year and I have seen two doctors who just tell me to drink miralax 3 times a day which helps but not enough. I always have pain and socially not fun to be around.
I am so disheartened by he doctors and the non-interest they have in my problem.

I have a sensitivity to linzess which made me feel sicker and I stopped taking it.
Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone know a Dr that would actually be interested in helping?


Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:28 pm
by tex
Hi Randi,

Welcome to the forum. Virtually all GI docs associate MC with diarrhea so they probably think that constipation with MC is a blessing because it cancels out the diarrhea. But to those of us who have it, it can really grab our attention. The inflammation in the intestines is just as bad. And the pain can be worse. Some cases of diarrhea-associated MC are painless. But that never happens with constipation-associated MC.

Unfortunately I don't know of any gastroenterologists who understand the disease well enough to be able to help. You will probably get more help from a good GP than from a GI specialist, simply because most GPs tend to be more compassionate toward their patients.

To treat the disease, in addition to avoiding the foods that cause your immune system to produce antibodies, it should be beneficial to take magnesium (such as magnesium chloride), because constipation is a symptom of chronic magnesium deficiency. Finding the right balance of fiber in the diet can be tricky because fiber irritates the intestines when they are inflamed, but with constipation, fiber can add needed bulk. Be sure you drink enough water and add some healthy oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil, etc.

For the record, I had alternating D and C when I was reacting.

Again, welcome board and please feel free to ask anything.


Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:29 pm
by Erica P-G
Just want to say Welcome Randi!

I don't have much to contribute in the way of constipation....I have to be careful with the D side of things.
