As message to my brother and sister colitis sufferers: if you are on the Microscopic Colitis Foundation website, you are in the right place.
Six years ago, I got a surprising and scary diagnosis: collagenous colitis, brought on by medication (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories). I had the usual conversation with my GI Doctor:
“How can I manage this disease in terms of diet and lifestyle?”
“There is no scientific evidence that diet or lifestyle help with colitis – only anecdotal evidence. The only good option is to take steroids, and unfortunately the chances are good your symptoms will recur at the end of your steroid course.”
I took Budesonide, which immediately took my symptoms away. For several weeks I was happy and carefree, eating whatever. When I stopped with the steroid, my symptoms came trotting back into my life.
Time to research alternatives. Soon I discovered the Microscopic Colitis Foundation, and ordered Wayne Persky’s book, which I read cover to cover during an outdoor folk music concert, a beautiful sunny day. I felt like I was going to be saved.
And I was. For 6 years I managed my symptoms with – can you guess? – diet and lifestyle changes! Then I got Covid, and took some Ibuprofen to help manage some brutal symptoms, thinking…what was I thinking? I guess I was not thinking. The Covid was the least of it, as it turned out.
I had a colitis flare up but remembered how to change my diet. I lost 5 pounds but within 2 weeks I was feeling fine, so I started eating normally again, including gluten. Big mistake. A couple of days after gluten I was back to square one, with worse symptoms which lasted 2 months and took 8 more pounds. This time I got Wayne’s The Microscopic Colitis Diet Book and read about safe food, magnesium, and Entero Labs. I gritted my teeth and spent the $400 for the Entero Lab analysis. While waiting for the lab results my symptoms resolved, and I started branching out again with food. Things were going well until I ate a piece of toast. Boom!
Square one, 2 more months, 7 more pounds, and this time the symptoms were very challenging. I was weak, depleted, unable to get much nourishment from my food, afraid to eat, afraid not to eat, just plain afraid. In the dark, desperate for answers.
Then I discovered the Microscopic Colitis Foundation’s Forum. I signed up and started asking questions. Without judgement, without delay, I started getting answers. From people who were not doctors, but they had lots of experience. I also get my Entero Lab results back, and learned I was eating some of the wrong foods.
I changed my diet, I learned that while gluten is mostly out of my system in 6 to 8 weeks, the antibodies remain for up to 8 months! And if I eat gluten before the antibodies are gone…boom!
Slowly I struggled through the past 2 months, sending many messages to my Microscopic Colitis friends, and hearing back right away. I got advice about books, electrolytes, exercise, constipation, antibodies, magnesium oil, self-compassion, foot soaks, and patience. I am once again emerging from sickness into health, but before I go, I need to say thank you.
As it turns out, the anecdote was the antidote.
Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh
Thanks for sharing. It's good to see that you are able to reach remission by making the proper diet choices. And I hope that your remission continues. Incidentally, note that for most of us (virtually all of us) gluten is a permanent sensitivity, once it begins.
It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.