If the first thing you try to locate whenever you go into any unfamiliar building is the restroom, you might have have MC.
If your idea of a good day is one with only one little minor "accident", you might have MC.
If your idea of a terrific day is when you feel so good that you leave the "depends" at home, you might have MC.
If you are checking the latest lottery picks, and you discover that you've just won the lottery, and all you can think of is buying your own resturant, and featuring nothing but GF food selections on the menu, you might be a GFer with MC.
If your idea of a terrific day is to find a new resturant where someone on the staff actually understands what gluten free really means, you might be a GFer with MC.
If you spend hours browsing in health food stores, and get all excited when you find a single new item that you can eat, you might be a multiply intolerant GFer with MC.
If you find yourself disagreeing with almost everything your GI recommends, you might have MC.
If your GI already knows better than to ask if your diarrhea has improved any since your last visit, you might have MC.
If you have fired more GIs in the past few years than Donald Trump has fired apprentices, you might have MC.
If your butt is more colorful than some of the exotic apes that you see at the zoo, you might have MC.
If you have a workstation set up near your toilet, you might have MC.
If you do some of your best work in your bathroom, you might have MC.
If your boss complains about the flushing noises that he hears during conference calls, you might have MC.
If you are able to laugh at jokes like this, you might have MC.
If Jeff Foxworthy told jokes about MC, you might hear .....
Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh
If Jeff Foxworthy told jokes about MC, you might hear .....
It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.